November 02, 2012

Hey team! So from now on I will be using the blog attached to my new-look website.
You can get to it by visiting
Thanks for stopping by here and see you soon!

New website!

So I have a new website! Go check it out -

September 07, 2012

Another landscape picture from my travels in California. This one's of a couple of nice houses at a junction in Oakland. More soon...

August 19, 2012

The first in a series of landscape pictures I'm working on.
Here's Piedras Blancas Light Station, San Simeon, CA 

Went for a day out in Kent yesterday... Started off at the awesome
Rye County Fair Horse and Dog Show. Brilliant dogs in fancy dress, slobbering bloodhounds, old cars, big horses and 99 flake. Ruddy brilliant.

Then off to Dungeness for some shingle and lighthouse action...

... before hunting down the Denge Sound Mirrors. These were built during the 20s and 30s as an early warning system to listen out for incoming enemy aircraft. Not sure you're allowed to get to this point - we had to  go through a gap in the fence at the back of a caravan park. Absolutely beautiful surroundings (the mirrors are on an island in the middle of a nature reserve) and the concrete structures are awesome... an amazing find.

July 28, 2012

Picked this up from the framers today.... It's been folded up in an envelope since it came over from the USSR 50 years ago! Nice.

July 17, 2012

A new CD cover illustration for! More details soon....

June 05, 2012

Wahoo! Off to California tomorrow!
See you losers on the flip side...

May 23, 2012

A t-shirt design commission that I have just completed for brilliant, Brighton-based band, Nordic Giants. T-shirts will be available at their gigs and from their website.

Check out their single launch at Hoxton Hall on the 31st May.