Another new screen print design! Look out for news of the Big A Band shop opening in the new year selling limited edition screen prints and other stuff!
November 16, 2007
And some more!
....and again, this time drawn then coloured-up on the computer.
New! Political images added to portfolio to obtain more commercial/editorial work. This painting is of Gordon Brown post-election rumors....
Have just moved house and finally have internet access at home! Here's my change of address card and my first screen print! Look out for more prints soon!
August 30, 2007
Have just finished this 2D painting!
COMING SOON: Screen prints and shop! Have shelled out for a load of screen-printing gear....
OK! The new website is up and finished! Take a look -
July 01, 2007
Here's a mural proposal for 4wall based on the quote, ‘It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.’ Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
June 13, 2007
While I bin away...... I been re-doing my website. Should be ready by the end of June...Look out for it!
May 06, 2007
Saw this bumper sticker t'other day. Classic.
March 25, 2007
In progress: the new Big A Band website! Here is a picture of the Big A Totem navigation system...
New Murals mini-site now up and running. Visit and click on "murals"!
March 19, 2007
I am now undertaking commissions for children's room murals! Above is the new flyer I have just had printed.....
March 18, 2007
A new mural for 4Wall on a building site in Bermondsey!
March 12, 2007
New! Dust jacket painting for "The Threat to Reason" book. Come back soon to see the finished product!